EUROPEAN FUNDING: Italian Cinematography students funded to study Documentary Filmmaking at LFA

10 May 2017

European students take note! We have recently welcomed to LFA a number of students from Lazio, Italy, who have taken advantage of the region’s “Torno Subito” programme, a forward-thinking project aimed at encouraging international mobility in young people wishing to travel abroad to study in a specialised field. Other regions may follow their lead.

Enrolling on the 6 week Documentary Certificate course at LFA, Arianna Iannascoli and Roberta Segalini, were both offered finance and support to undertake specialist training in Cinematography. 

"At LFA I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about the film production process and documentary filmmaking. The collaborative environment was helpful and now I feel ready to make the first step in the film industry and start realizing my own projects too".

Both Arianna and Roberta have now returned to Lazio to re-deploy their new-found skills, which is exactly what the programme encourages – a considerable reinvestment in the Italian industry.

In the current European climate, we are delighted to hear of projects like this - a refreshingly outward-looking approach to investing in Italy’s young people by enabling them to expand their skills through a “learning by doing” approach - something close to the heart of LFA , where we believe in producing multi-skilled, versatile filmmakers who are truly "industry-ready".

Torno Subito's next registration period is open until the June 21 2017. For more information see

Register here for a summer course at LFA.