Our Tutors & Guest Speakers
London Film Academy tutors are accomplished, professional freelance filmmakers.
Our team of regular and guest tutors have an impressive track record and continue to produce numerous award-winning feature films, TV dramas, shorts, documentaries, corporate films, music promos and commercials alongside their teaching. It's impossible to list them all, but we listed a few of them below.
- Alice Lowe Award-winning Writer/Director/Actor: 'Sightseers', 'Prevenge', 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch'
- Callum Turner Actor, Writer: 'Masters of the Air', 'Fantastic Beasts Trilogy', 'Emma'
- Camilla Hall Documentary Filmmaker: 'Subject'
- Eddie Hamilton Editor: 'Top Gun: Maverick', 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout', 'M: I - Dead Reckoning Part 1', 'M: I - The Final Reckoning', 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle', X-Men: First Class', Kick-Ass'
- Hossein Amini Screenwriter: ‘Drive', 'Obi-Wan Kenobi', The Alienist', 'Snow White & The Huntsman'
- Ivana MacKinnnon Producer/Associate Producer: 'Slumdog Millionaire', 'Beast', 'Centurion'
- Jan Harlan Executive Producer: 'A Clockwork Orange', 'The Shining', 'Full Metal Jacket', 'Eyes Wide Shut'
- Pia Di Ciaula Editor: 'The Crown', 'A Very English Scandal', 'Tyrannosaur'
- Prano Bailey-Bond Writer and Director: 'Censor'
- Ralph Eggleston Art Director, Animator, Writer and Director: 'Inside-Out', 'Finding Nemo', 'Monsters Inc.', Wall.e'
- Sarah Gavron Director: 'Rocks' 'Suffergette'
- Steven Knight Writer, Producer, Director: 'See', 'Peaky Blinders', 'Locke', 'Dirty Pretty Things', 'All the Light We Cannot See'
- Dan Zeff: ‘Gangsta Granny Strikes Again’, ‘The Queen and I’
- Sam Clemens: 'The Waterhouse', 'Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor Adventures'
- Simon Shore: ‘Get Real’, ‘Misfits’, ‘Humans’, ‘Broadchurch’, ‘Cleaning Up’
- Tiarnan O'Sullivan: 'Playing Dead'
- Becky Knapp: ‘Uncle’, 'Rollin' with the Nines'
- Jacob Thomas: 'Perfect 10', 'Making Noise Quietly'
- Matt Gillan: ‘Caterpillar’
- Tania Freimuth: 'The Beaker Girls', 'Verdigris'
- David Lemon: 'Containment', 'Faintheart' and 'Haven'
- Emma Millions: ‘Terrornet’, ‘Off Their Rockers’
- James Moran: ‘Doctor Who: Time War’, ‘Silverpoint’
- Michael Holden: ‘Sherlock Holmes’, ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’
- Alex Lopera: ‘Mrs Khan’, FabulousPhoebe’
- Fola Oyeleye: ‘Untold Stories: Hair on Set’
- Lisa Fischer: 'Renegade Inc.'
- Martyn Bray: ‘Manhattan’, ‘How to be a Ballerina’
- Tom Rowson: 'The Long Ride', 'All Stretched Out'
- Lauri Kelleher: ‘Grand Designs’
- Kostas Mastorakis: ‘B.R.I’
- Robert Bourke: ‘Jeremy Vine’, ‘The Essex Murders’
- Manuela Maiguashca: 'The Thompson' Carnation'