LFA MA Students "Getting Started with Freelancing in Film and TV" Workshop with Alison Grade

24 June 2024

LFA hosted a transformative workshop, "Getting Started with Freelancing in Film and TV," led by Alison Grade, a renowned career freelancer, TV professional, and author.   

The event was a resounding success, not only because of the invaluable insights and practical strategies offered by Alison Grade but also due to the active participation and engagement of our MA students.

Their contributions and eagerness to learn were instrumental in making this workshop a transformative experience, preparing them for their future freelance careers.  


Key Takeaways from the Alison Grade Workshop at London Film Academy  

Alison Grade's workshop was an engaging and informative session that aimed to demystify the complexities of freelancing in the film and TV industry.  

Here are some of the takeaways students found particularly helpful:

1. Freelancing is Like Dating 

Alison compared freelancing to dating, emphasising the importance of being strategic in attracting and retaining clients. She drew parallels between the initial attraction phase, where freelancers need to showcase their skills and unique selling points, and the relationship-building phase, where maintaining a professional and respectful attitude is key.   

This analogy resonated with students, highlighting the need for building strong, professional relationships.  

2. Building a Freelance Psyche 

The session focused on developing a balanced freelance psyche by addressing: 

  • Skills: Identifying and honing the skills and mindset required for successful freelancing.

  • Finances: Understanding financial needs and learning how to value oneself appropriately. 

  • Desires: Strategies to find and connect with potential clients effectively. 

3. Working 'On' Your Freelancing 

Alison stressed that being a successful freelancer is not just about being good at your craft but also about excelling in managing your freelance career.  

This holistic approach is essential for sustainability and growth in the industry. 

MA students sat for the workshop led by Alison Grade

Student Experiences 

Our students left the workshop inspired and better equipped to navigate the freelancing landscape. Here’s what some of them had to say: 

Alison knows her stuff! She combines practical steps with the essential encouragement necessary for success as a freelancer. The session was full of resources, and you get the sense that Alison herself lives the freelance principles that she teaches. 

Blaine Marcano

About Alison Grade 

With her impressive background and extensive experience, Alison brought a wealth of knowledge to the workshop. She has formal academic training (INSEAD MBA), senior-level experience in various media companies, and entrepreneurial success.

Alison Grade leading the workshop for students 

Alison is also a Nesta-accredited Creative Enterprise trainer and mentor, a Creative Industries Federation UK Council member, and a Governor at BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy. Her book, "The Freelance Bible," is a comprehensive guide for aspiring freelancers.  

Looking Ahead 

This workshop couldn't have come at a better time, coinciding with June when students are now attending the Raindance festival.  

Thanks to Alison Grade's practical framework and strategic insights, our students have not only gained valuable knowledge but also a boost in their confidence. They are now better equipped to embark on successful and sustainable freelance careers in the film and TV industry.   

We are grateful to Alison for sharing her expertise and inspiring our students. This workshop has undoubtedly set the stage for their future success in the industry.