Empowering Women in Film: Teodora's Journey from LFA Into the Industry

15 July 2024

Teodora Berglund's journey in the industry is as dynamic and diverse as her films. 

From her London Film Academy encouraged beginnings, discovering her passion for cameras and storytelling, to her current ventures in feature films and podcasting. 

Her trajectory is marked by a relentless pursuit of creative expression and growth. 

A black and white image of Teodora sat facing forward on a sofa looking towards the camera

What Led You to LFA? 

Teodora's journey began with a curiosity ignited while living in Paris. Initially drawn to humanitarian work, her interest soon shifted towards the artistry found behind the camera.  

I started observing everybody's work, often getting distracted by what they were doing behind the scenes.

Teodora Berglund

Fascinated by visual storytelling, Teodora pursued her passion by studying media and immersing herself in film theory. 

However, eager to enhance her practical filmmaking skills, she sought out LFA and discovered our accelerated Filmmaking Diploma course (which has since become our MA courses). 

Teodora’s time at LFA allowed her to embrace countless roles on set, ranging from boom operator to Director, ensuring she gained the hands-on experience and skillset refinement she longed for. 

Teodora and a crew member in a buggy on set holding camera kit

Post-LFA: Breaking into the Industry 

Armed with the practical knowledge fostered at LFA and a passion for filmmaking, Teodora embarked on her journey into the industry, with free work and passion projects spanning commercials, music videos, and short films.  

Her breakout short film, "#Illusions," garnered attention at prestigious film festivals like Cannes, New York, and LA, setting the stage for her burgeoning career and reconfirming her filmmaking path. 

Teodora didn't stop there. Together with her partner Vanessa Ford, she founded Virago Films and ventured into commercial productions for renowned brands like Harrods and Nike. 

Her distinctive work blended artistic vision and commercial appeal, establishing her as a versatile filmmaker capable of navigating diverse creative landscapes. 


Evolving Through Challenges: The Transition to Features 

Despite her success in commercials, Teodora felt compelled to pursue her lifelong dream of directing feature films.  

This transition marked a pivotal moment in her career, where she embraced the challenges and uncertainties of the feature film world. 

Currently, Teodora is in the midst of a creative writing process, participating in screenwriting courses and developing projects for both TV series and feature films. 

Her journey reflects a profound dedication to mastering the craft of screenwriting, a journey she describes as "the longest learning curve." 

Teodora on set with her filming crew at sunset

Beyond Filmmaking: Podcasting and Artistic Expression 

Teodora's creative endeavours extend beyond traditional filmmaking.  

Her podcast, "Modern Madonnas," explores modern femininity and the evolving complexities of gender roles. Through insightful interviews with inspiring women, she sheds light on diverse perspectives and nurtures a platform for meaningful dialogue. 

While filmmaking is an industry, it's also art.

Teodora Berglund

Teodora emphasises this outlook and her podcast serves as a creative outlet where she explores themes that resonate deeply with her, enriching her understanding of human behaviour and storytelling. 

Listen to her Podcast on Apple podcast and Spotify Podcast here

Teodora sat recoding her podcast with a guest

Insights and Advice for Aspiring Filmmakers 

Teodora's journey is a testament to resilience, creativity, and the power of embracing uncertainty in pursuit of one's dreams. Her advice to aspiring filmmakers is rooted in her own experiences: 

  1. Believe in Yourself:  

Confidence in your abilities is crucial.  

Believe in yourself, and others will too.

Teodora Berglund


Teodora stresses the importance of self-assurance in navigating the competitive film industry. 

  1. Continuous Learning:  

Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow. From running film sets to writing screenplays, Teodora underscores the value of diverse experiences in honing one's craft.    

  1. Networking with Purpose:  

Genuine connections forged through collaboration are invaluable.  

Teodora emphasises the significance of building meaningful relationships throughout your studies and within the industry, driven by shared creative visions and mutual respect. 

Close up portrait shot of Teodora in black and white 

Teodora's journey from LFA to her current projects exemplifies the evolving nature of a filmmaker's career. As she continues to explore new creative avenues and expand her artistic horizons, Teodora remains dedicated to her commitment to storytelling and authentic expression.  

Her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring filmmakers, encouraging them to embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and stay true to their creative vision. 

It's a beautiful dance between everybody involved in filmmaking. It doesn't work unless everybody's on the same page, striving to create something meaningful and impactful.

Teodora Berglund

As she prepares to pitch her feature film and TV series projects, Teodora's journey acts as a beacon of passion and perseverance in the ever-evolving landscape of filmmaking.