Empowering Women in Film: Barbara's Journey From MA in Filmmaking to Screenwriting Success

08 July 2024

In 2023, Barbara Davis embarked on a transformative journey by enrolling on the MA Filmmaking course at London Film Academy.  

Having abandoned her filmmaking aspirations years prior, Barbara decided to give it another try, and her determination paid off, leading to an enriching and eye-opening experience.  

Fuelled by her passion for writing, she initially aimed to enhance her screenwriting skills, but Barbara’s studies provided even more.  

The program made me see what happens to a script throughout the filmmaking process. It was essential to understand how to write in a better format and why it is necessary to write in the way we do.

Barbara Davis

As a result, she gained a comprehensive understanding of the entire filmmaking process, leaving her more confident and skilled as she embarked on her post-studies filmmaking journey. 

Film poster for This Side Up with falling red telephone boxes

A Glimpse into 'This Side Up' 

Barbara is currently working on a project titled This Side Up, a deeply personal story about a young man who must take care of his younger sister following their mother's death.  

The narrative explores themes of co-dependency and the challenges of breaking free from such relationships.  


The story is not only a reflection of her own experiences but also those of her friend Sandra and writing This Side Up became a cathartic experience for Barbara.  

The project allowed her to channel her emotions and experiences into a compelling narrative.  

Barbara's LFA peers have also played a significant role in bringing This Side Up to life. Showcasing not only the power of teamwork in filmmaking but also the collaborative community fostered at LFA. 

The whole crew was LFA students, I believe we had one outside person, but it was all my classmates who chipped in, and it was a collaborative effort.

Barbara Davis


Male and female couple changing the channels on the television while sat on the sofa.

From Filmmaker to Script Reader 

Barbara's continued passion for writing has also led her to become a script reader for the Austin Film Festival screenplay competition, as she continues to broaden her interests and develop her skillset. 

I've already been helping others with their scripts, so it seemed a natural fit.

Barbara Davis

This role provided both income and valuable experience, allowing her to improve her writing by reading and analysing numerous scripts, further enhancing her expertise in the field. 

Advice for Aspiring Screenwriters 

Barbara advises fellow screenwriters to ensure their scripts have a clear theme. 

There are scripts that are well-written but lack a central theme. It doesn't feel like anything is tying it all together.

Barbara Davis

Barbara also emphasises the importance of concise action lines, reminding writers that "it's not a novel." 

Actress looking angry and distressed 

Looking Ahead 

Barbara's passion project, Medusa Jones, is currently in the proof of concept stage. The story follows Shanna, a spoiled first-generation American who finds her path through community service.  

Barbara is excited about the progress, including location scouting and casting, and aims to film the proof of concept later this year. 

Barbara's journey reiterates the importance of perseverance and continuous learning in the filmmaking industry.  

Her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring filmmakers and screenwriters, showing that it is never too late to chase one's dreams.